Beast from the East causes commuter chaos!

With chaos comes fellowship!

Unless you live under a rock or have built a blanket fort in your front room, you’ll have noticed the weather that has swept across our nation this week!

On any other Friday you could ask me about my commute and I could probably give you a solid hours rant about my week. This Fridays commute left me feeling a little bit different.

My morning started like any other Friday…being delayed by South Eastern Railway. I managed to get into work despite the disruption earlier on in the week. I kept an eye on the weather and the trains which were slowly going downhill (I was later told that trains were cancelled from 10am) and was allowed to leave work at 15.30. I managed to get from South Kensington to London Victoria just fine and then chaos struck. CANCELLED, DELAYED, CANCELLED….DELAYED After two hours of looking up at the departures board the results were neck cramp and the slow realisation that I may be stuck in London.

18.00 rolls around and I have formed a group of ladies who are going back to the same destination as I am. We have exhausted ever option at this point as coaches are booked, buses don’t go that far and no trains were running past Bromley South or Ashford International. South Eastern announced that the last train for the night is leaving and in shear panic we jump on the train with no plan B and leave London. Once on board me and my fellow companions start trying to figure out our next step as we have no clue where we are going from here. When a friendly chap let us know that there is a bus service running from Paddock Wood station to Strood every hour.

After disembarking at Paddock Wood we were faced with the reality that there were way too many people for one bus every hour. We weren’t the only ones that figured this as well, every time a taxi pulled up they were swarmed like a zombie apocalypse. I rounded up a taxi group and we phoned like crazy trying to get through. After an hours wait in the cold we finally got our taxi and let out a sigh of relief. In the taxi we exchanged names and told stories. And the finally after over 6 hours I managed to get home and enjoy a huge cup of tea.

Yesterday was honestly one of the worst journey’s I have every made but it would have been so much worse if I had been alone. I would have been panicking and sick with worry about how I was going to get home or where I was going to go in London. Yesterday restored my faith in humanity. I had friends from uni message me and offer me their coach, I had friends from home offer me a place at their brothers who lived close by and I had my fellow commuters band together to get us home safe and warm. I met some amazing people yesterday would I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet in any other circumstance and they gave me an insight to their lives with some amazing stories. We kept each other in high spirits and constantly smiling.

One lady said to me that in times of chaos the commuters’ will always band together. I will keep this in mind going forward into my new commuter week where we will all be back to ignoring each other.

This week has seen chaos, damage and tragedy but it has also seen some amazing feats of kindness and compassion. Twitter has been amazing in reporting the stories of NHS nurses that have gone above and beyond to get to work and help the lives of others. Community is an amazing thing when shit hits the fan. I hope that we can take some of that forward.

Now for plenty of hot chocolate, Netflix and looking out the window checking for a glimpse of sun!


After note – I received this email this morning from one of the ladies I travelled home with

Good morning Tasmin

I hope you got home safely and had a good nights sleep after our exhausting journey home from work yesterday. I know I did!

I just wanted to say a very big thank you for organising the taxi to get us home to Gillingham railway station from Paddock Wood railway station last night. I finally got home at 9.30pm after leaving work just after 3.30pm!

FYI, I happen to glance at my wall calendar in the kitchen this morning and noticed that last night – Friday 2nd March – was a full moon, so maybe it was written in the heavens that we would have trouble getting home!!

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Once again, thank you and I look forward to seeing you on the train sometime….

All the best.

Taking time to reflect on the small victories!


This week is National eating disorder awareness week.

Sometimes you don’t notice when someone is struggling!

Sometimes we don’t notice when someone is recovering!

Sometimes you don’t notice when someone is winning!

Just because your victory isn’t ground breaking to someone else that doesn’t make it any less amazing! Around new year you naturally start to reflect on what has happened during the last 12 months and how it has effected you as a person. You think of all of the big steps that you have taken like starting a new job, moving to university or starting a family. But last year made me realise that you need to celebrate the small victories that you experience day in and day out. It also taught me that you should reflect more so that you can see how far you have come.

The last year has seen a huge growth in the amount of awareness for mental health illnesses and beating the stigma that surrounds them. It is finally being spoken about and people are sharing their stories and building a community that is there to support each other. Knowing that there are people out there to support people who are going through such a tough time in their life is inspiring. I know personally I wouldn’t be the person I am today without the support network that I have. I have been reflecting a lot this week and I put that down to the snow and great lack of sunshine…seriously get me to a beach asap. Firstly I realised how much I miss writing…hence the post. But it also made me realise that I want to help others more, even if it’s in really small ways like giving up my seat on the tube or smiling at someone who is looking a little down.

Commuting into London gave me a harsh reality at first and definitely popped my small town bubble of everyone will be nice to you if you just give them a smile. Simply put some people just don’t allow themselves to be happy. Over the last 6 months I have encountered everything from rude to plain weird…seriously I was in Victoria train station toilets once at 9am and some woman pulled down her pants and knickers in front of me at the sinks and just started touching herself…I ran out of those toilets so fast!!

But after 6 months I feel like I’m finally getting used to it, I cope with the journey by getting fully engrossed in my book. I get through my days by aiming to make at least one person smile in that day, I also probably flip off at least one person a day when they shove me getting on the tube…it’s all about balance right? Okay I may have some work to do on that better person thing.

The moral of this rambling is – at the end of each day find one good thing that came out of that day and claim that as your victory!



When home doesn’t feel like home anymore what do you do?

‘Wherever you have friends, that’s your country. Wherever you have love, that’s your home’ – Dalai Lama

I’ve been in Japan for nearly 3 and a half months and not once have I missed home! You read that sentence and think wow she must be having such an amazing time that she just hasn’t thought of home…well that would be wrong. There have been days where all I have thought about is leaving Japan but the place that I want to escape to isn’t the comfort of my home country. I crave the comfort of California, a place that has my heart and soul. I crave the adventure of Morocco and trekking in the mountains. Most importantly I crave the thrill of getting on a plane that’s going to a place that I haven’t been to before.

This lifestyle that I lead sounds good in theory and 98.5% of the time it’s fantastic but sometimes you can feel so lost and unsettled. Sometimes I look at the lives of my friends and think how incredibly lucky they are to have a life where they are surrounded by family and friends constantly, passionately in love with someone who lives in the same town as them and they love the place that they call home. Over the last two years the longest that I have been in my home town was 3 months and that was with a quick break to Italy. Yes I grew up there, my mum is there and a handful of good friends but I have no connection to the actual place anymore.

If anything it makes me sad because it makes me think of all of the friendships and relationships that I have lost since I started travelling. Some have been more painful than others, some have been heart wrenching and have seen me crying myself to sleep for nights on end. Others further back have taught me the lesson that it is okay to let go of the toxic people in your life. I do look back on my past sometimes and think what would my life be like if I hadn’t fallen in love with travelling? What job would I be doing? Would I be in stable and loving relationship? Would I be thinking of my career or starting a family? Would I still suffer with my mental health so deeply? I’m very quickly learning that asking the question of what if can be the most damaging thing. Asking questions like what if I’d never met that guy, would I be happier? What if I never let go of that person? What if I had never gotten on that flight? Stop questioning and start accepting what has happened.

I’ve learnt so many lessons over the last few months that will stay with me a lifetime. I’m grateful for the opportunity I have been given and will always remember it. But when people ask me whether I enjoyed my time in Japan I will struggle to answer. This country is amazing and so alive, the history and culture will leave you wanting to learn as much as you can and so I will tell people this…I would love to come back and visit but I could never live here again. I urge everyone to visit but I know that it will not be the country that I decide to settle in and that’s ok. There is this idea that every country you visit you will fall in love with but it’s not always true. If I have to face one more appalled face when I say I’m not overly fond of being here I’m going to go crazy. It’s totally okay to not want to stay in the place you’re in, if it wasn’t then we wouldn’t be in a different country in the first place!

One of my best friends once told me that MY FEELINGS ARE VALID and it was one of the most important things that someone could ever tell me. I tell myself this every day and I have accepted that if someone makes you feel like what you’re feeling isn’t valid then they are not worth having in your life. Letting go is ok.

And so I guess from that I have to accept that its okay for me not to feel rooted to one place and that everything will be okay in the end.

‘One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change’ -Anon

Until next time




Going Social Media Free!


The very words that haunt most peoples dreams now a days.

We now live in a society where a mobile phone is no longer an object but an extra limb. Everyday I look around me and 9 out of 10 people that I see are glued to their phones. I’m pretty sure that most people who are reading this will have been in a situation where they are having a conversation with someone but the other person is playing with their phone whilst ‘listening’ to you. Even worse I bet some of you have been the person playing on their phone…I know I sure have. But in reality how sad is that! We have a real human being sat in front of us yet we are more interested in the virtual world of our phones.

As you will know from some of my previous posts I am in the process of overcoming a very dark period and you know what I’m just going to say it…social media sucks!!! Although no one is actually meant to say this we spend our time obsessing over celebrity Instagram’s, finding the perfect lighting for a snap chat selfie and stalking our exs….everyone does it so no point denying it. But everyone believes what they see on social media, that those insta celebs look like that 24/7, that fitness models are eating rice and chicken all of the time (pizza is life) and that you are over your ex when you caption your  selfie with a sassy quote (ok no one actually believes that one).

The amount of times I sat scrolling through Instagram looking at these girls who look amazing in their pictures and I’m thinking gosh I wish I was here, a guy is only ever going to find me attractive if I look like that..blah blah blah. THATS NOT HEALTHY!!!! The amount of times I sat checking and rechecking to see if the guy I like has opened my message on Facebook…its so mentally draining! And the amount of times I see pictures of my friends doing things at home and it makes me feel like I’m missing so much…serious fomo (fear of missing out) going on in Japan.

So I’ve done the unimaginable! As a social experiment I’ve switched my phone off and do not carry it with me. My tablet only has messenger installed if people (e.g. mother duck) need to get a hold of me in an emergency but 99% of the time that will be switched off or have no internet access. Obviously I still have to restrain myself when on my laptop but so far I’m doing well and honestly I’m enjoying it.

Already I am seeing the effects and I have realised how much time I spend on my phone. How many of you go to bed at say 12 but lets be real you don’t actually go to sleep until at least 1am because you’re on your phone scrolling through Facebook. I can already see how I’m more engaged in conversations, I’m now reading articles instead of looking at memes, I have time to read my book and I’m now able to focus more on my classes considering I have finals fast approaching…wish me luck.

I’m not saying I’m going to make this a permanent thing or anything but its an interesting thing to try that I encourage others to try…even if its for a day. Also to anyone that questions that I’m sharing this on Facebook/twitter…I’m able to link my pages to my WordPress account so it automatically shares. Anyway so hopefully this will also motivate me to write more as I’m seriously slacking. If anyone else has tried going social media free then I would love to hear about your experiences.

Until next time


Off the beaten track…

Travel far enough that you meet yourself – Anon

If you look at all of the guide books of Japan and Tokyo then you will find all of the popular must see sights…but do you ever stop and wonder where all of the hidden gems are?

Well on Saturday a friend and I stumbled across heaven on earth.!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3261.848817898004!2d139.83868071524455!3d35.16039098031897!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x60181b26e686b0ef%3A0xc258c596637b9320!2sMount+Nokogiri!5e0!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1496669423964&w=600&h=450]

Mount Nokogiri is a mountain on the Bōsō Peninsula in Honshu, Japan. Home to beautiful sights, hidden treasures and so many stairs that you will question your sanity in the heat. Many believe that Kamakura is home to the biggest Buddha statue in Japan and I was one of them until I stood corrected in front of the monumental size of Daibutsu (great Buddha).  What amazed me even more was that there was hardly any tourists and it was so unbelievably quiet.

So we started the day with a 3 hour journey from Asakadai to Hama-Kanaya Station which we passed by sharing stories from our home countries and talking endlessly like typical girls. On arrival we knew we were in a completely different place from the smell of the air and the unfamiliar silence that we had forgotten for the last two months. We walked along the beach shore and up to the ropeway that would take us up the mountain. Ropeways are amazingly fun and the views are incredible but unfortunately I get travel sick. But on the other hand the journey is only 500 Yen and a short ride and so it is totally worth the shakiness ha-ha. I also took the opportunity to play about with hyper lapse function on my phone and took a video of the journey which I shall post a link to.

Once at the top you feel the relief of being on stable ground and then you set eyes on the breath taking view. It’s safe to say that I’m not often speechless and the most recent time that I was so astounded by natural beauty was The Grand Canyon but this is a very close second. I expected a good view because I had looked at pictures before arrival but this exceeded my expectations by miles. This well and truly proved that point that pictures are all well and good but they are nothing compared to the experience first-hand. This is where I stop tell…no urge you all to go and get out of your comfort zone, go and explore every country that you have the opportunity to.

Every corner that you turn and every new path that you take will lead to a new view point. The amount of photos that were taken is endless and it quickly ate up my battery so my advice would be to either bring a camera or if like me your rely on your phone then invest in a power bank which I plan on doing as I didn’t get to take all of the photos that I wanted to. Along with the photos that are included on this post I shall also be posting photos from the trip on Facebook and Instagram as normal, you can check these out by searching @theworldaccordingtotaz (insta), The world according to taz (FB).

Mount Nokogiri is home to Jigoku Nozoki (view of Hell) which is a view point that looks out across Tokyo Bay and on a clear day visitors are able to see Mt Fuji. There is much more to see whilst here including The Great Buddha, the wall of Laputa and Hyakushaku Kannon to name a few. We managed to time the trip rather well as on that day it was only 26 degrees but with a cool breeze. Due to all of the steps and the up and down of the trails you work up a sweat rather easily and so this is definitely a trip that is better saved for a cooler day but still take the sun cream anyway as we caught the sun. There are many maps and guides provided around the grounds and entrance to the main area is 600 Yen with a guide/map included.  On the way back down we decided to hike down the mountain which was fun but rather steep so make sure you where hiking boots or sneakers with good ankle support.

It’s so hard to put into words how amazing this place is so I’m just going to leave you with a lot of photos.

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Also I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who reached out to me after my last blog post, the love and support that I received was overwhelming. I’m actively trying to make myself happy every single day and the above is one of the many ways in which I’m learning to love every aspect of my life again.

Until next time



Underneath is a link to my friend’s vlog on our adventure on Saturday so you can see a different take on it. This best watched from a laptop but also if it doesn’t work then it could be down to country licencing rights. Hope it works out for you and check out some of her other videos.


The Silence

‘And God said “love your enemy” and I obeyed him and loved myself’ – Khalil Gibran

Some of you have been wondering why I haven’t posted for so long and now here is all the answers, for warning this may be a long post haha – enjoy guys!

So first of all thank you for all of the concern and love that has been given by everyone that has messaged me and helped me with everything over the last month. I’m quite well now and slowly starting to feel back to my old self. I’m constantly laughing and smiling so that’s always a good sign right!

If any of you reading this have ever felt out of place, isolated or just don’t feel that you are quite yourself then this may relate.

I’ll start by saying that Japan is one of the most amazing places that I have ever been to, it is unique, full of energy and constantly on the move. These are all amazing qualities but these are also reasons why it makes it such an overwhelming country to live in. I knew all along that moving to Tokyo would be a huge culture shock but I didn’t realise how much it would affect me. The main area that it affected was my body image and along with that came my confidence and my social interactions. I’ve always had low self confidence and issues with my body since I was a young girl but never have I hated the image in the mirror as much as I have since I came here. I will say now that this is nothing to do with the lifestyle out here or society, or anything to do with Japan…it just happened out here.

Last year I was dealt a series of blows to my self confidence and then in September I broke my ankle…I know what you are thinking, what has a broken ankle got to do with this? Well imagine hating your body image and starting a plan of how you are going to change it and then being told that you have an injury that prevents you from exercising for 3/4 months. On top of that imagine being on crutches at university, not being able to go very fast and having everyone stare at you constantly. Having girls shout comments at you because you have to have a boot on your foot. Luckily my flat mates kept me going and picked me up whenever I was at my breaking point. Wine nights became a saviour for all of us haha…I love my girls.

The new year came and I was finally in a position where I could start back at the gym and start swimming again. I threw myself into an exercise plan and meal plan and I started to see changes but it wasn’t good enough. Then I moved to Japan where for the first couple of weeks I was riding on a wave of exhilaration and excitement. Then I started to really look around me and once I opened my eyes I was so uncomfortably aware that I was surrounding by women who are so petite and dressed beautifully all of the time. And so I figured if I dressed up everyday, perfected my makeup and hair then I wouldn’t feel that bad about being so much bigger than these women. Side note, the national average dress size in the UK is a 14/16, I am below that at a size 12 and 5ft 6, so in no way am I overweight. I thought that shopping would help me feel better as it did whilst I was at home but unfortunately not a lot of clothes will cater over here and so I left feeling disheartened. And so this led to me skipping meals and thinking that would help, I started losing weight and my clothes were more comfortable and so it spiralled and soon I was eating a few mouthfuls here and there each day. The downside to this was I felt isolated in my emotional pain and so I isolated myself from everyone else. I kept telling myself that no one wanted me around and that it wouldn’t be noticed if I wasn’t around. This kept going until one night I stood in front of my mirror, tears running down my face and I said out loud…’I cant do this anymore, I want to be happy again’. Two days later a friend reached out to me and she brought me back to life, we went out and had girlie nights and just talked about makeup and travelling, we just had the kind of fun that takes your mind off of everything. Its an amazing feeling being able to laugh without feeling guilty for it.

Slowly I started to rebuild the bridges that I had broke down and felt myself slowly grow back into the group of friends I have in Japan. I started to explore this beautiful country again and settle down with my school work, things began to look up. Then my best friend and my mum came out to visit me. These amazing people visited me all the way from England and I finally felt like myself again. I know realise that I have a fantastic support network surrounding myself and that I have so many things to look forward to in the future. Luckily I realised a lot of important things before things got any worse and so this has me want to change the way that I care for my friends and how I am towards others. More importantly this has changed how I want to treat myself! May is the month of mental health awareness and nothing rings more true but its also about remembering to look after yourself. I’ve learnt to find a balance between spending time with people and taking some time to myself. I’m now reading one of my favourite books, listening to music that reminds me of good memories and looking at new places to travel to. I strongly believe that travel heals the soul and so I shall continue to heal mine.

I am so happy now and have so much to look forward to. Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to read this as trust me its not been easy to write. Thank you to everyone that has supported me and continues to support me. I love you all and trust me I’m back in my groove now and so many more posts will be coming just bare with me whilst I start writing them around my assignments.

Now go and make someone smile!!!

Until next time


The power of technology!

‘No matter where you are in the world, you’ll find stars lighting up the night sky’ – Unknown

What manages to surprise me time and time again is how polite and helpful the Japanese population can be. I took a trip to Shibuya recently, alone and at night which is totally okay because is so incredibly safe out here. But on the way back I had no idea which train to catch and at that point I didn’t have my PASMO card and I wasn’t as familiar with the train system. I was starting to worry about how I was going to figure all of this out especially as the information desk wasn’t open and not many people speak English here. Eventually I worked up the courage to ask for help from two girls who looked around my age.

The girls who I approached were super friendly and although they were unsure at first of where I needed to go they used their phones, maps and local knowledge to help me figure out which train I needed to catch. We managed to exchange names through our broken knowledge of each other’s languages and it turned out that one of the girls needed to be on the same train as me. I asked if she spoke English and she said no but she is learning and enjoys practicing it. We were on the train for 40 minutes and in true 21st century style managed to communicate very well through the power of technology. Using google translate we were able to discuss our hometowns, where we go to school, what we did during the day and what we want to do in the future, we even managed to show each other pictures of our families and friends. This may not have been the most conventional connection but it was a unique experience that has stayed with me.

This experience was a shock to me in a way as in many popular media forms there is a stigma that Japanese people do not like talking to westerners and so I am happy to have went out and proved that wrong. I hate that the media will portray something and then it becomes what people believe is a nation. Stereotypes are shit and unless I had come to the country and put myself in these kinds of positions I would have never known whether it was true or not. Travelling breaks down barriers and destroys stereotypes and that is one of the many reasons that I love travelling.

Until next time



Tales of a Camp Counsellor!

‘The mountains are calling and I must go’

‘And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul’

Both quotes are from John Muir – who I was introduced to by one of my friends from camp!

Summer camp is such a special place and everyone has their different stories but its so hard to explain your experience to someone who hasn’t taken part but with a willing bunch of fantastic friends I have gathered many stories from summer camp counsellors and here we shall share the true magic of camp.

As I have already explained in a previous post why I love camp so much and keep going back I’m now going to share my favourite story.

I was taking my kids for an activity period and as it was the 2nd day and they were the youngest boys cabin I sat them in a circle to play an ice breaker. I started by telling them that we would all go around and say our name, our favourite animal and what noise that animal made. So I gave the example of ‘Hello, my name is Tasmin, my favourite animal is the Tasmanian Devil and then span in a circle making lots of noise (its all for the kids haha). All the kids managed until we got around to one kid. He looked me dead in the eye with a cheeky smile on his face and said ‘Hello my name is Timmy, my favourite animal is a carrot and they say noooo don’t eat me’. I honestly didn’t know what to do with myself and that is my favourite example of how kids take you by surprise. (Names have been changed).

‘Doing camp brings out the best in adults and children. It’s a beautiful place to be, in the mountains and technology free. It gives me a chance to meet many children and adults who all want the same thing, a great memory in life. I try my hardest to fulfil these magical times when kids can be free of parents and make new friends adults and children, and try to mentor young adults into the mission of the YMCA and bettering one’s self to help others. I’ve been participating in camp since 1990 and will continue because I love the feeling of being amongst great people. Some of the best people I’ve met in my life have come from camp. My funniest times are always at campfire when we perform skits in front of the camp. It’s always a blast.’

–          Chito


‘Well for me camp has always been about personal development. I’ve gone to the same camp for about 16 years and every time I’ve gone home learning something new about myself or how I could become a better person. You meet some people that change you for the better. Camp really helped me break out of my shell a lot! I was quiet, shy, and not very confident in myself, but nobody cares up there. Nobody judged you because they are there being silly and wacky just like you and it’s because of that you feel so comfortable. I would say if anyone had an opportunity to go to any type of camp to jump on the chance and take it! You’ll meet some great people and you could find something new about yourself you never knew was there.’

–          Jacob

‘There are several reasons why I love to go to camp. I love disconnected from the outside world, and I would prefer adventuring outdoors as opposed to being lazy and playing video games. But what I love the most about camp that keeps me coming back are the people. From Counsellors to Directors to Perm Staff, they are some of the greatest people I have had the pleasure to meet. One tip I would give to those who plan on being a counsellor would be to truly disconnect for a solid week. Put away the phone and really take in the world around you! And as for a funny story, I am afraid they are either too long or too inappropriate to be shared! Many stories were have been told, many more will be made and I am happy to be a part of that!’

–          Anon


‘Summer camp is one of my favourite things to do in the whole world. It is something I look forward to every year, and I make sure that I clear up a space in my calendar for at least one week of it every summer! In the middle of trying to figure out how to become a functioning adult, summer camp helps me remember that having fun like a kid is just as important. There is not one camp session I’ve gone to where I didn’t have something to laugh my guts out to. We always play the most outrageous games at camp, including playing pranks on each other. I remember one time I accidentally volunteered with a friend to go on stage and compete with him in a food eating competition. The food, however, happened to be a concoction made out of marshmallows, cookies, chocolate chips, cereal, milk, and… Ketchup. Yes. Although it did not taste all that bad, the smell was atrocious, and in the competition my friend and I were gagging at each other. The kids watching us were getting such a kick out of it that we couldn’t help but start to snort the food up our noses from laughing so much too. So disgusting. At summer camp, we try to just go all out and do the activities that nobody would think of doing out in the “real world”. The leaders of summer camp try their best to just help everyone forget about labels and come together to do silly things with real people. The best advice I can give to really enjoy summer camp is to just forget about who you’re TRYING to be and just let your instincts tell you what is fun. Nobody is there to tell you not to be yourself. Be as much a part of every moment as you can, make as many friends as possible, and try to do it all. That is how camp has become one of my favourite things in my life.’

–          Nicole

I started volunteering at a summer camp about 4 years ago. At first, I only went because the idea of spending a week in the mountains sounded like a dream! However, after that first week, I was hooked on camp; but, for a different reason. I soon realized that while I may see my time up there as a break from work and social media, for the kids that go up year after year, it’s their second home. I quickly realized that phrases such as “you can do it” and “I believe in you” are all these kids need to conquer their fears of whatever activity they might be doing. Those little positive encouragements go a long way with kids. Being that one person who believes in these kids is the reason I continue coming back to camp. I’ve made so many memories with my cabins over the years that I don’t think I have one specific thing that stands out. My favourite part about working with kids is watching them grow into their personalities and become best friends with the other girls in their cabin. Even though many of them go to the same school, it’s an awesome thing to watch these kids develop true friendships in just a couple of days. I definitely recommend that everyone tries out volunteering at a summer camp at least once! It’s a life changing experience; not only for you, but for the kids you get to meet also. If you’re unsure of how to go, check out your local YMCA, Boys & Girls Club, or churches. Be open and honest about who you are and show that you’re responsible. Chances are, you’ll meet the parents of the kids in your cabin and they’re trusting you with their kids’ safety.

– Karen

Karen was also kind enough to include two pictures of her cabin – one from the start of the week and one at the end of the week. These pictures show how much a friendship can form in a short amount of time in such a special place.

In fact three of the girls within these photos went on to be my campers at winter camp and it was an honour to be their counsellor.

‘Serving as a counsellor at a summer camp has always been an exciting and enthralling experience for myself. It is a very unique place where people are able to truly open themselves up to one another, while engaging in fun outdoor activities. At summer camp there is a joyful spirit in the air created by campers and counsellors as they laugh and cheer though out the week. To get the best experience you must learn how to assimilate into the wacky camp spirit. In a sense, as an adult, you must bring out you inner-child behaviour to make the best memorable moments. Summer camp has the potential to become fascinating when you least expect it. Sometimes I found it to be a little too interesting. During one of my counselling sessions, I had a camper who was known to be a sleepwalker. One late night I was returning from the restroom to my cabin filled with sleeping campers. As I was getting into my bunk I noticed a dark figure in the corner of the cabin walking toward me. I called out to the figure but received no response. I was a little scared. The figure finally made it to my bunk revealing itself as one of my campers. He stood at my side for a good minute the said “Counsellor…. I’m hungry!” My face was priceless according to my co-counsellor. The camper then turned around and went back into his bunk as if nothing happened. As crazy as that experience was, it did make some great conversations when I told the camper what he did in the morning.’

–          Michael

‘I volunteer at a summer camp because I love giving back to the kids. It’s a great experience and feeling knowing that I get to take kids for a week, who might not have a positive experience at home, and give them possibly the best week of their life. I get to be the person that reminds them of how special they are and how they can do anything they set their heart to. For anyone who is thinking about going, I would suggest being as opened as possible and get to know your campers, CO counsellor and other counsellors as quick as possible. You will be with these other amazing people for a week, so don’t waste any time getting to know then and have fun with them. Usually what happens is people start to become comfortable with each other towards the end of camp and that is when your experience is more fun. So why waste time when you can have an amazing experience with your fellow counsellors for the whole week instead of half of the week. A story that reminds me that I’m impacting kids is one when I made bracelet for one of my favourite camper. I didn’t get to see or talk to her for the next three years. One session we finally ran into each other and she was wearing the bracelet I made her. She told me she never took it off. It really touched my heart.’

–          Kwonta


‘This summer will mark my fourth year as a summer camp counsellor. I’ve got so many warm feelings and precious memories tied to summer camp. I keep coming back for the nostalgia and for the opportunity to help others make precious memories as well. If someone else was going to be a counsellor, I’d suggest bringing extra deodorant, shower supplies, and some air fresheners. Some campers forget about hygiene when out in the mountains. I’ve had campers that refused to take showers all week. Those campers get thrown in the pool so they smell like chlorine rather than pit stink.”

–          Matthew

‘What is working at a summer camp really like?

“Best, and favourite place on Earth” says Anthony Tighe, from Virginia, USA. Tigs, as he is affectionately known by his campers, has been a camp counsellor for four years and specialises in coaching hockey. For the 9 months of the year without camp, Tigs is a high school hockey coach at a high school in Virginia but every June he heads to camp.

“You will make friends from all over the world and the kids will look up to you. You develop strong leadership skills, as well as learning how to be caring and loving to the children for whom you are a surrogate parent for a month or two.”

The ability to care for children with a genuine love, to be intuitive with the campers in your care is a sentiment echoed by Tony Aspel. The Irish ex-international triathlete now coaches sailing and boating in his native Ireland. This past year however, he headed stateside to try summer camp life and he says it’s the best decision he ever made. And he intends to go back for summer 2017, and for many more after that.

“I love it man, I love summer camp”

As a first time camp counsellor he says “It is hard work with long hours, but very worthwhile because of the kids.”

Long hours, tiredness and hard work are a common thread amongst all who have experienced life at a summer camp.

Henrik Ocklind of Sweden, a swim instructor and camp counsellor says “I don’t think I will ever get a job where I work as much as I did at camp. It’s like having a regular job and being a parent – to ten kids.”

Everyone will tell you that being a camp counsellor is difficult and draining, but almost all of them will also tell you that it is undoubtedly absolutely worth it.’

–          Joe (feature paper)


As an extra Joes Paper included a heading of How does working at a camp benefit me? Which really spoke me and so I’m going to include it so you can aim to relate to these feelings one day.

“These people are trusting us, trusting you, with their most prized possession. Their children.”

Daunting and heavy words to hear from the owner and director of your new place of work on the first day of training. The truth in that simple statement is inescapable and the safety of the children is and will always be the first priority at camp.

On the other hand, being a camp counsellor is so much more than safeguarding; you are a coach, a surrogate parent, an older sibling, a life coach, a role model and an inspiration. The days are long but the summer is short, and the rascals that have terrorized you endlessly for weeks are leaving, and this time there’s nobody else coming to fill the empty bunk.

Dry eyes are hard to come by as that final bus leaves, let me assure you.

It is at this time of reflection you realise that you may have taught them how to shoot a bow, how to swim or how to use a lathe but really, they taught you a whole lot more.

And from someone who’s done both, it’s my own personal opinion that it’s a whole lot more than you can learn through work experience in industry. Education and work experience can’t and never will be able to give you the emotional and cultural enrichment you can find at camp.

The camp bubble is real, and it’s inescapable. The rest of the civilised world fades from conscious thought to be replaced with all manner of things you previously wouldn’t have dreamt you’d be involved with. Before you know it, you have a small army of four-foot tall pre-teens to keep tabs on whilst covered in war paint in a tie dye t-shirt consoling a crying child who lost a game of tug of war.

All this occurs thousands of miles from home working as part of a team consisting of people that you have never met from all over the world, friends that will last for years from all over the globe.

As a fully grown adult you pledge allegiance to all manner of teams for a plethora of different sports and games, jumping up and down in ecstasy for coaching your team of eleven year-olds to soccer world cup glory.

The most wonderful thing about it though, is that at that one particular moment there is nowhere else you would rather be. You are totally immersed in the life of the campers and their happiness is not only the goal as a professional but it is the driving force of everyone working at a summer camp.

Within the camp bubble it doesn’t matter about your political alignment, religion, nationality, skin colour, sexual orientation or gender. All that matters, are the campers and ensuring you’re doing as much as you can for them.

Aaron Cohen, a perennial camper and now a revered counsellor from Boston, Massachusetts says “Camp is the most magical place in the world.” But in reality, the true magic of camp isn’t created for the children. It is created by the children.’

Thank you to everyone who has helped me with this post, your stories are incredible and it means a lot to me that you have taken the time out of your daily lives to help me with something I’m so passionate about. I hope everyone enjoys this post as much I have enjoyed creating it.

Until next time


Kanamara Matsuri…festival of the steel phallus?

‘Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe, catch the wind in your sails – explore, dream, discover’. – Unknown

(I really struggled to find a fitting quote).

***Before you go any further some of the content below may not be deemed appropriate for certain audiences so if you are under 18 then please ask a guardian***

Kanamara Matsuri or translated ‘festival of the steel phallus’ is a festival that takes place once a year and is a sight like no other. The festival takes place at the Kanayama Shrine in Kawasaki, japan. It is definitely a novelty but the story behind the festival is rather interesting and surprising. So with a little help from google search I was able to read up on what I was getting myself into before I ventured there.


‘The phallus, as a central theme of the event, is reflected in illustration, candy, carved vegetables, decorations and a Mikoshi parade.

The Kanamara Matsuri is centred on a local penis-venerating shrine. The legend being that a jealous sharp toothed demon hid inside the vagina of a young woman that the demon fell in love with and bit off the penises of two young men on their wedding nights. After that the woman sought help from a blacksmith, who fashioned an iron phallus to break the demons teeth, which lead to the enshrinement of the item.

The Kanayama shrine was popular among prostitutes who wished to pray for protection from STI’s. It was also said that the shrine offers divine protections for business prosperity and for the clans prosperity; and for easy delivery, marriage and married couple harmony.

The festival started in 1969. Today the festival has become something of a tourist attraction and is used to raise money for HIV research’.

It’s very hard to take the event seriously when everywhere you turn people are sucking on penis shaped lollies or watching the parade where a huge penis shrine is carried through the crowds but it is definitely a worthy cause and some fun at the same time. This festival is better explained through pictures and so I have included a few from the day at the bottom.

Aside from all of the penis themed attractions you can take a walk through the crowded shrine area and make your way through the maze of different street venders. All the different sights and smells will overwhelm your senses and you shall want to try a little bit of everything. I personally decided to try Takoyaki which is a ball-shaped snack made of a batter and cooked in a special moulded pan. It is typically filled with diced octopus (tako) which was a first for me. It is covered in sauce and Bonito, which add to the overall interesting texture and taste of this classic snack. I very much enjoyed the powerful taste of something so new to me and will definitely have it again.

Enjoy the photos and check out my Instagram @theworldaccordingtotaz

Until next time


Crossing the worlds busiest crossing…Shibuya!

‘The bold adventurer succeeds the best’ – Ovid

Travelling around a foreign country at night alone – scary or exciting?

Ever had one of those days where you are so in your own head that you don’t want to be around people? Well that was me on the day that I decided to visit the world’s busiest crossing. Shibuya crossing (also known as scramble crossing) can see 2500 people cross during one signal change at rush hour! So you now be asking why you would want to be surrounded by that many people when you just said that you didn’t want to be around people! Well the answer to that one is simple. If you are surrounded by people that you don’t know then you are still alone in a sense because you are alone in your own thoughts, free to do as you please and not have to please anyone else when you aren’t feeling up to it. So for me Shibuya was the perfect escape.

How independent I can be still manages to amaze me, a few years ago I wouldn’t have dreamt of going somewhere so unknown on my own but it was exhilarating. I challenge you all to go out on your own and do something you would normally do with someone else…go and get a cup of coffee and sit in the café, go to the cinema and see that film that none of your friends want to see or even go to lunch, order your favourite and sit there with your favourite book, just go and be free. Something that I have learnt growing up and I think has made me the person that I am is that even if you are alone it doesn’t mean that you are lonely.

Okay so take a minute now and picture Tokyo! What do you see? Is it the lights, the tall building, the rush? These were all of the things that I pictures and I found them in Shibuya. I walked around with my neck craned and mouth open (which was annoying for all of the people trying to get somewhere). In my trusty Lonely Planet Tokyo guide book it says ‘Perhaps nowhere else says ‘Welcome to Tokyo@ better than this’ and I totally agree because it makes you realise how amazing this place is and makes you want to explore even more.


If you are like me and enjoy people watching then make your way up to the 2nd floor of the Starbucks that is on the corner and if you are lucky enough to get a seat then you will have a prime spot to watch the chaos and beauty.

Some of you may have seen the video that has went viral about being able to travel around the streets of Tokyo in a go kart dressed as characters from Super Mario. Well whilst I was waiting at the crossing I was lucky enough to spot them as they revved their engines to pull off the green light…I even got a wave from Luigi. If you want to take part in this unique experience then you need to hold an International Drivers Licence which you will need to get in advance. All the fun of the game without the banana slips. For more information head to the website.

Whilst here make sure to visit all of the shops as I managed to stumble upon some of the most amazing stores that I have ever seen. The first store that I happened to walk into was 7 floors of heaven starting with Mac makeup all the way through to Christian Louboutin Shoes and bags. There was a side for men and a side for women that was separated by a bridge on each floor and the views from the bridge are incredible themselves.

I managed to get some videos of the Shibuya crossing and of the Mario Go Karting which I have uploaded onto YouTube so if you have a spare 30 seconds then go ahead and follow these links for some cool footage.

Super Mario:

Shibuya crossing:

*If the links do not work then please copy and paste into your search bar (I’m still trying to figure out the links so bear with me).

If there is anything else you want to know then please comment and I shall get back to you. If you are interested in seeing more of my photos from Japan then head to my Instagram page @theworldaccordingtotaz

Until next time
